
Showing posts from March, 2019

Multi-tenant application

        Multi-tenant as the name describes multiple tenants(here clients) accessing single instance of software/application on server by multiple clients at same time. Where server gives equal access to the application to every user.        If you are using office 365, or Azure portal you are already using an application that is implemented in Multi-tenant architecture.

What are Bots vs Robots vs chat bots vs voice bots

      Ever wondered what are Bots, Robots, chat bots, voice bots. Well below definitions with examples can give you little overview of what is the difference between with GEEKY words.             BOTS: These are a shorts of word Robots, Bots are a simple or complex software programs that are developed to perform automate tasks over the internet without having much of  a Human intervention. Some of the examples are Online movie ticket booking or your mobile recharge. ROBOTS: Well we are not new to Robots, anyone who have watched movies link Terminators, iRobots are familiar with what robots are. However Robots are physical devices that perform automated tasks using artificial intelligence or by programmed data. Imagine a car manufacturing company that is used to assemble car parts which are programmed to perform specific tasks like fixing doors. Or the other best example is Sophia(Humanoid Robot) , which is programmed to behave like Humans and also capable of 50 expressions. Le

NATO Phenotics

NATO phonetics refer to all 26 alphabets represented using  NATO codes and words to avoid confusion of similar sounding words like B, V and few other. This was designed in 1920 by International Civil Aviation Organisation.

Configuration Manager Action Cycles

Below are the list of configuration management action cycles available in Windows Operating systems. Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle Discovery Data Collection Cycle File Collection Cycle Hardware Inventory Cycle Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle Software Inventory Cycle Software Metering Usage Report Cycle Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle User Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle Windows Installer Source List Update Cycle

Rules of Robotics🤖

Was deviced by author Isaac Asimov in the year 1942. 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.